Being a member of the TFCB…
- …entitles you to our 10-month/year publication, In Depth. In Depth contains original articles about the fishkeeping hobby, reprinted articles from other society publications, original and reprinted artwork and photographs, announcements of upcoming events, summaries of past club events and other useful information.
- …entitles you to a discount on fish keeping supplies at many local pet stores – ask the Treasurer or President for your membership card.
- …is a great way to give back to your club. Membership dues help to cover the cost of In Depth production, and help with the cost of attracting speakers to our monthly meetings.
Dues are collected annually. Our Regular Membership is $20 and includes all immediate family members. To renew membership, dues should be paid yearly in the month you joined the club.
TFCB Application (PDF)
TFCB Application (DOC)