We keep and breed dozens of species of cichlids, catfish, livebearers and more.
Join us at one of our meetings to benefit from our decades of experience!
We keep and breed dozens of species of cichlids, catfish, livebearers and more.
Join us at one of our meetings to benefit from our decades of experience!
From the hardiest Java Ferns to CO2 injected planted tanks, our members have it all.
Always popular — and with good reason! Many club members bring shrimp to our monthly meeting auctions.
Don’t miss an update! Like and follow us on Facebook!
(this means you!)
Each meeting features a presentation from an expert speaker, door prizes, and an auction of locally-raised fish and plants. Bring your questions on anything fish-related! Sign-up today!
Don’t like commitments? You don’t need to be a member to come check out a meeting. But we bet you’ll become one!
Meetings are the second Thursday of each month, 6:30 – 8:30 PM at the Essex Junction VFW.
Note: We don’t have regular meetings in July, August or December. Check out the full meeting schedule, below.
Meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of the month at the VFW 73 Pearl St, Essex Junction, VT. Open to all, door prizes, auction and speakers.
Kick off the year.
January meeting Facebook event page
Olin will discuss general aquatic invasive species work in Vermont and how it relates to the aquarium trade. Free admission and open to all, door prizes, auction, lots of fish talk too.
February meeting Facebook event page
“South American Eartheaters”. Free admission and open to all, door prizes, auction, lots of fish talk too.
March meeting Facebook event page
The Hobby & Ecology of Carnivorous Plants. Free admission and open to all, door prizes, auction, lots of fish talk too.
New members are welcome at this and all our meetings!
Check out the radio interview on Hall radio stations from 1/19/25 Radio Interview 1/19/25
12-3pm Saturday March 22. Delta Hotel, Williston Rd, S. Burlington
Free Admission – Special VIP early admission at 11:30 $5
Door Prizes and Raffle
Fun Family Event. All are Welcome.
Aquascaping demo all day long!
Come see what other hobbyist breeders have to offer!
Incredible speakers from around the world. Quality fish from top hobbyists. All right here in Vermont.