Author: DBanks
June 8 auction items
Below are some of the items that will be in the auction: David & Janine are planning to bring:Synodontis petricola, Checkered Barb, Purple Passion Danio, Labidochromis “Lemon Yellowâ€, Steatoncranus tinanti, Opthalmotilapia ventralis, gold marble angelfish , brown and albino ancistrus, pseudomogil conniei, java fern, bolbitus, Cryptocorne parva, trident java fern, anubias, vinegar eels and microworms…
TFCB shirts available
Order your shirts now! TFCB is having club shirts made. They will have our blue and green round TFCB logo on the back, with a black pen and ink drawing of 2 angelfish on the front. We must have your order by May 1stso we can have them printed and available at the May 15th…
TFCB T-Shirt Design Contest
At the last meeting the club decided we should print our own TFCB shirts. We need some designs to choose from, please submit your designs by April 1 and we will pick one at the April 10th meeting. Rules are HERE. Winner gets a FREE shirt!
25th Anniversary Event – June 6-8, 2014
 Click on picture for all details A special thank you to Amazonas Magazine for the above ad they created! Download this poster tfcb 25th poster and help us advertise
Feb 13th TFCB meeting party
Our February 13th meeting will be our actual anniversary and will be a celebration meeting. We hope to have many past and present members attend to help us eat cake and enjoy lots of great friendships we have all formed over the years. We will also have lots of prizes and a short presentation on…
TFCB 2014 Calendar now available
I will have them with me at the BOD meeting Tuesday night (1/7) and at the TFCB meeting on Thursday night (1/9). $6 each, photos from TFCB members, get yours now!
TFCB 2014 Schedule
TFCB meetings are held at the VFW Hall in Essex Junction, on the second Thursday of the month at 6:30PM Jan 9 – TFCB meeting, members presentations Feb 13 – TFCB meeting, 25th anniversary party Mar 13 – TFCB meeting, video, Cristel Kasselmann, new plants ( 2005 NEC conv ) April 10 – TFCB meeting,…
NEC 2014 Convention
Convention 2014 The dates for the convention have been set! Our convention will again be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Cromwell CT from March 28 – 30, 2014. Convention registration is now open, see web site. See NEC newsletter for updates and details. If you do not receive the NEC newsletter, please let…
Thank You !!
Thank you to the following for their support of TFCB: Thanks for your support for our 30th Anniversary!! ACA and ZooMed speaker sponsorship Oase San Francisco Bay Brand Swiss Tropicals The Pleco Feeder The Pet Advantage The Wet Spot Tropical Fish Aquatic Gardeners Assoc. Caribsea Live Aquaria Hagen Tannin Aquatics Northfin Ocean Nutrition Benson’s Pet Center Omega…
THANK YOU to everyone that participated; bidders, vendors, those that donated products, and all those that helped out. Speacial thanks to Doug Patac for auctioneering! A successful event with lots of great fish, plants and products, thank you everyone! All Day auction of tropical fish, plants, aquariums, new and used equipment and many other fish related items!…