Club Links

Northeast Council of Aquarium Societies ( Annual Convention April 8-10, 2016 )
includes clubs in the Northeast(CT, NY, NJ, MA, RI, NH, ME, VT, PA)
These Clubs belong to the NEC and their website can be found here

Aquarium Club of Lancaster County (ACLC)
See our website for meeting information.

Boston Aquarium Society (BAS)
General Meeting information: Meetings are free and open to everyone. They are held on the 3rd Monday of every month at The New England Aquarium’s Harborside Learning Lab on Central Wharf in Boston, MA. The Harborside Learning Lab is located on the ground floor of the Boston Harbor Garage adjacent to the New England Aquarium. The entrance is at the corner of the garage that faces towards Boston Harbor and is on the south end (the end farther from the Aquarium).

Boston Guppy Club (BGC)
The Boston Guppy Club holds a monthly meeting that is open to the general public. Meetings are held a various locations throughout New England. To find the date, time, and location of our next meeting please contact Bill Gill the BGC, President at [email protected]

Brooklyn Aquarium Society (BASNY)
Our regular monthly meetings are held at the Education Hall building of The New York Aquarium located at 610 Surf Avenue in Brooklyn, NY 11224 See our website for meeting dates.

Central New York Aquarium Society (CNYAS)
Monthly meetings are held in the DeWitt Community Room during the months of September through June, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, on the 3rd Wednesday of the month

Connecticut Aquatic Plant Enthusiasts( CAPE)
See our website for meeting information.

Connecticut Betta Club (CBC)
See our website for meeting information

Danbury Area Aquarium Society (DAAS)
Meeting on the 4th Friday of each month at 7:30 PM (Except July and December) Laura Spain Memorial Cornerstone Park 1 Fair Street, Carmel, NY 10512 Door Prizes, Speaker or Video, Raffle, Fish and Dry Goods Auction

Greater City Aquarium Society (GCAS)
Greater City usually meets at the Queens Botanical Garden (except for our annual hoilday party). Time: 7:30pm first Wednesday of the month (except Jan. & Feb.) Free admission, free refreshments, free on-street parking (after 7pm) Bowl Show (limit 2 entries per member); door prize (members only) Fish, aquatic plants, and aquarium items auction (open to all)

Greater Hartford Aquarium Society (GHAS)
Meetings are 7:30 PM the 4th Tuesday of every month at the LUTZ Children’s Museum located in Manchester Connecticut

Jersey Shore Aquarium Society (JSAS)
The Jersey Shore Aquarium Society meets at 8:00 p.m. on the second Monday of every month (except August) at The Knights of Columbus Hall on Route 537 (70 East Main Street) in Freehold, New Jersey. Each meeting typically features an interesting presentation related to tropical fish topics. Our presenters are often professionals in their respective fields or experienced hobbyists.

Long Island Aquarium Society (LIAS)
LIAS Meetings are held at SUNY Stony Brook’s Maritime Science area. Room 120 in Endeavor Hall on the State University at Stony Brook Campus, Stony Brook, NY 11790

New York Planted Tank Club
Visit their website for further information

New England Cichlid Association (NECA)
See our webiste for meeting information

Nassau County Aquarium Society
See our website for further information

New Hampshire Aquarium Society (NHAS)
The New Hampshire Aquarium Society meets at Somersworth high School in room 110. The school is located just off of route 9 in the town of Somersworth, NH Somersworth High School 11 Memorial Drive Somersworth, NH 03878 We do not meet during the months of July and August

Northeast Livebearer Association (NELA)
See our website for our meeting information

North Jersey Aquarium Society (NJAS)
Our meetings begin promptly at 7:45 on the third Thursday of each month, with the exception of August & December, when we gather for a picnic and holiday party in lieu of a regular meeting. Please join us! If you haven’t been to one of our meetings, we cordially invite you to attend. Meetings are held at The Nutley Elks Club, 242 Chestnut Street, Nutley NJ 07110. The entrance to the meeting hall is around the corner on Warren Street, opposite the Fire Department. There’s plenty of free parking on the streets surrounding the Elks Club.

Norwalk Aquarium Society (NAS)
The Norwalk Aquarium Society meets the third Thursday of each month (except July and December). Meetings are held at Earthplace – the Nature Discovery Center located at 10 Woodside Lane in Westport, CT at 8:00 PM. Each meeting provides either a speaker or program dealing with various aspects of the tropical fish hobby and is open to the general public without cost. Raffles, door prizes, auctions of rare and exotic aquarium fish, refreshments, and chit chat with fellow hobbyists are a few of the benefits of attending.

Otter Valley Aquarium Society (OVAS)
Our group meets on the second Tuesday of each month at the Maclure Public Library in Pittsford, Vermont at 7:00 PM. Please join us for a brief business meeting, followed by a speaker program and an auction of fish, plants, etc. During the summer months of July and August we do not host a speaker program. We dedicate those two meetings to an OVAS board discussion of plans for the following season.

Pioneer Valley Aquarium Society (PVAS)
The first Tuesday of every month is the monthly meeting of the Pioneer Valley Aquarium Society. There are no meetings during July and August. All aquarium enthusiasts are welcome to attend and membership is encouraged but not required. The meeting is held at the Springfield Science Museum on Edwards Street in Springfield, MA. The meeting begins at 7PM and continues until about 9PM. Meetings usually feature a Bowl Show and Photo Contest, Guest Speaker, Mini Auction, pizza and refreshments. Ample free parking is available on site at the lots on Edwards Street.

Pioneer Valley Water Garden and Koi Club (PVWGK)
See our webpage for meeting information

Southern New England Killifish Association (SNEKA)
See our website for meeting information

Tropical Fish Club of Burlington (TFCB)
The Tropical Fish Club of Burlington holds monthly meetings on the second Thursday of every month. The meetings take place at the VFW Hall on Pearl Street in Essex Junction, Vermont. The meetings start promptly at 6:30pm

Tropical Fish Society of Rhode Island (TFSRI)
See our website for meeting information

Upstate New York Killifish Association (UNYKA) (UNYKA)
See our website for meeting information

Worcester Aquarium Society (WAS)
See our website for meeting information

The Cichlid Club of York
See our website for meeting information

KOI Organisation International
Visit their website for further information

Other clubs: MAS: Montreal Aquarium Society-Montreal, QC, Canada - English speaking club SAM: Society Aquarium Montreal -Montreal, QC, Canada- French speaking club

Other Resources

For more comprehensive lists of organizations within and outside the USA, try one of these sources: