CANCELLED – 2020 Burlington Aquarium Fish, Frag and Reptile EXPO/Swap Meet

Following with the general rule of caution that is our world right now, the 2020 Burlington Expo scheduled for Sat March 28th is cancelled. If we can possibly reschedule, we will, but at the very least we hope to see you all next year. TFCB is also planning our Fall auction, tentatively scheduled for Sunday Nov 1, watch for details.

Saturday, March 28, 2020  
11:00Am – 3PM
Holiday Inn, Williston RD

Free Admission  
Door Prizes and Raffle
Fun Family Event. All are Welcome.
Come see what other hobbyist breeders have to offer!

Local Breeders, Hobbyists and Retailers selling—

  Freshwater fish, shrimp and plants

  Saltwater coral frags


New and used equipment and aquariums.


Swap Vendors 3/28/2020
TFCB club table

Coral/Saltwater vendors
Green Mountain Coral
Kyle Lanoue , Backwoods Reefs
Scott Matteson, Son & Sand Reef

Freshwater/Plant vendors
Ira Gardner-Morse
Ann Whitman
Rob Hintze
David Banks
Brian Scott
Janine Banks
Shannon Coulter
Jessie Hazen

Reptiles Vendors
Morgan Weiss
Morway Geckos
Granite State Pythons
Rumney T Room

The Pet Advantage
Amazonas/Coral Magazines
Benson’s Fish Room, BFR
Keith Kalinowski – KJE