Aulonocara jacobfrebergi, tsano rocks
Geophagus steindacneri
Labeotropheus trewavasae opal
Poecelia mexicana
Synodontis lucipinnis (dwarf petricola)
java fern
anubias – large
Pundimilia nerrerei, Ruti Island
Crytpoheros nanoluteus
Crytpoheros nanoluteus
zoogoneticus tequila
Synodontis lucipinnis (dwarf petricola)
vinegar eels
Bristlenose trio
Albino bristlenose tri
DD Phillipine blue trio
DD Phillipine blue trio
DD Phillipine blue trio
Large koi angel trio
Black Veil angel trio
Red OB peacock trio
RCS Red Cherry Shrimp (6)
RCS Red Cherry Shrimp (6)
Blue German Rams Trio
20 G High Aquarium setup
Air ornaments
Red swords
Giant Hygro
Giant Hygro
Java moss
Java moss
Jewel Cichlid
Jewel Cichlid
1 male German peach
6 pack female German peachs
6 pack male+female red top mbunas
Blue Gularis Pair
Blue Gularis Pair
Koi Angel x2
Koi Angel x6
Apistogramma Cacatioudes Triple Red Pair
Apistogramma Cacatioudes Triple Red Pair
Apistogramma Cacatioudes Triple Red Pair
Apistogramma Cacatioudes Triple Red Pair
Fundlopanchax Scheeli Pair
Fundlopanchax Scheeli Pair
Fundlopanchax Scheeli Pair
Aphyosemion Australe Gold Pair
Betta Falx Pair
Apistogramma Agassizzi Double Red Male
Apistogramma Macmasteri F1 x 4
Apistogramma Macmasteri F1 x 4
German Blue Ram Juvies x 8
German Blue Ram Juvies x 8
Aphyosemion Campomaanense ABK 07-181 Pair
Ophthalmolebias constanciae (Featherfin Pearlfish) Pair
Rotala Rotundifolia
Rotala Rotundifolia
fissidens moss
hygro var sunset
Salvinia minima
Brazillian Pennywort
java fern “windelov”
painted fire red shrimp
painted fire red shrimp
painted fire red shrimp
wild type neocaridina shrimp with blue dream and pfr gene
root tabs
root tabs
rotala macranda “caterpillar”
light – t5ho 48″
narrow leaf amazon sword
neolamprologus multifasciatus
bacopa caroliniana
ludwigia sp “red”
long fin orange swordtails pair
orange swordtails
orange swordtails
4 Pundimilia nyerrerei, Ruti Island
2 pr kribs
6 Lil kribs
1 LG striped angel
1 LG striped angel
1 LG water sprite
1 LG java fern
1 box accessories
1 bag interesting rocks
Poecelia “Ginga Rubaâ€
Poecelia reticulate – wild type FL
Crypt aponogetifolia “karabiâ€
Crypt Parva
Wendilov Java Fern
Crypt ciliata
1 Malawi Cichlid
3 tiger barbs
Glossolipsis incisus
busy nose pleco
3 small kribs
1 electric Blue Acara
1 electric Blue Acara
1 blue angel
1 blue angel
1 pr Cryptoheros chutalenensis
1 pr Cryptoheros chutalenensis
small Cryptoheros chutalenensis
med kribs
blue angel
pr bristle nosed
spotted raphael
male Melanatania uchensis
3 serpae tetras
3 glow lite tetras
zoogonecticus tequilla
zoogonecticus tequilla
Plus these plants from Florida Aquatic Nurseries